Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is a Lost Soul Worth?

How much is your soul worth? I have a ton, yes a ton of stinkin' cash and I would like to buy your soul. 1 billion? 100 million? 1 million? Maybe a $100 or better yet about a Big Mac and some fries. Do you even believe that we have a soul? To those outside the light of Jesus Christ, a soul could mean many things. Some believe life is precious and to be loved and respected by all. While others believe that the worlds population is out of control and must be radically reduced. Some believe in good while others proclaim relativity. Again, outside a relationship with Christ, life must seem like a hopeless, meaningless, and painful journey. So, my question is then to that Christian reader: What is the value, the price of a soul who doesn't know Jesus. How much money do we spend to save a lost soul?

Well, great question. I believe its a trick question. No...no tricks here. Well, how can buy a soul? You can and why not? Satan buys souls all the time. So let me ask you. If you knew that it would only cost you $155 to send a kid to camp where they would be introduced to the message of salvation, would you write the check? If you knew that it would take $3000 and 5 years to have your colleague come to know Christ is that a good investment of your money? My point is this, in God's eye every soul is PRICELESS! No amount of silver or gold could buy a soul. Only the power of Jesus Christ and His redeeming blood can "buy" a lost soul. And even then, its freewill; its up to the individual to accept Christ's love and forgiveness.

But here is the challenge. Eating out for one month or sending a kid to camp. One less day on vacation or sponsoring a Compassion child. Going to the movies or taking a sandwich to a homeless man? Tough questions. The worn phrase that the marketers made their money on rings very true now; "What would Jesus Do?" Pretty tough question but lets get real, no lets get dirty. You see that homeless guy with his hungry dog by a corner in downtown Denver, do you pass, humming the latest Michael W Smith song. Thankfully convincing yourself you didn't see him. Maybe you drop him a quarter and say "God Bless." How Christian of you! Try going up to him, ask him his name. Can you imagine not saying your name for months?...Give the man a hug and tell him no matter how bad its gets or how cruel this world is...that there is a friend named Jesus who loves him and will take him as he is!~ AS HE IS...no matter what he smells like, no matter how he talks, and no matter what weight of burden he has. JESUS LOVES HIM...and you know what Christian brothers and sisters..We need to love him too. His soul is more important than our poker game, our Sunday golf lesson, or the leather in my BMW. His soul is more important than your Coach bag, your nails, and the latest news on a celebrity. God doesn't abhor nice things only when it gets in the way of seeing Him. We think we have it all together, we are BLESSED Christians, God wants us to have these materialistic things. Please do not pursue the best of this world only to lose your soul to eternity. Thank God someone cared about Mother Theresa or Billy Graham; what rich fruit they have produced. How much were there souls? How much is a soul worth too you?...what are you doing about it?


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