Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Here is a $100 to go away, I just Can't get Dirty

"There is an old man sitting next to me..." drinking, coughing, smells like a broken public urinal covered in 4 layers of blankets with feces and sludge caked in. Essential: kept him warm on the unforgiving freezing Colorado streets. He makes a move to talk, and I am already grabbing my wallet. There was a time I did well and didn't care if it was easier for me( a rich man) or some dumb-ass camel to make it through an eye of a needle than see the kingdom of heaven. But I digress back to Mr. Homeless man. Here is a $20 to leave me alone. "Thank you sir, may God bless you." Yeah you too buddy.

Now I am one paycheck away from being homeless...God has taken away much so I don't lose my soul. Amen.

No job...No alternative stock options, no spousal income. Just faith, the occasional project and a little help from family and friends. Money tight...very tight. Thankfully, my Christian brothers of only modest means have been willing to get dirty in my life. Not only help monetarily but to invest their time and energy on helping me get mentally straight, focused on God, and loving and helping my fellow humanity. You know, its a good change.

But here is what pisses me off. Another friend of mine in similar markets...His business that has been a great success over the last 10 years is falling apart for many reasons. Divorce, fall out, down turn in the market and the overall economy are some of the culprits. His mentors and friends in the business were many. One makes a cool million a year and the other is close to that. My friends made close to six figures but lost much of it in an on going bloody divorce. He poured his heart out, took a risk in telling these guys what is going on in his life and not even an offer of a loan nor prayer. Nothing...Their response..."keep working hard, plug away" You see just have gotten too dirty for us to mess with you. The Rich LOVE CLEAN CHRISTIANITY. SMOOTH EASY SUNDAY CHRISTIANITY. Praise God! Support a village there and some missionaries over here while your brother you call "friend" slowly dies a dirty lonely death because you don't believe in a local hand up? Open your eyes people, as the economy worsens, more of your brothers and sisters are going to need you.

***More and more of us are what we call subprime citizens...the working poor, or the middle class spiriling down into the bastions of poverty... And we look into your eyes and say, "Brother remember the good times, can I get a little help?) No, son...your too dirty for us to get involved. Come back when your clean. We deal in the clean kind.

Extreme days :

or just click this: TOBY

Thursday, January 15, 2009

And Forgive Me

God...Need a new car (BMW or Benz of course)

God...forgive Avery for the swearing and her the way she dresses.

God...thank you for this food and be with the long as they stay away from the country club.

Can the rich see the kingdom of heaven? (should I have capitalize the "H"?, should I repent.

In many people lives, there is a battle going on. Good V. Evil, Truth V. Lies, Hope V. despair, your very soul is being battle for. One minute fear grips you then elation when God picks you up and pushes you to the front again. Its like that dad who when his boy is lying there crying after a tough fall. He dusts him off, gives him a quick pat on the bum and encourages him to go play again. What is God's will for my life. I am not sure but I do know that I am to love the Lord with all my heart, mind, and soul. And Love my neighbor as myself. We were created to worship God. I keep the simple yet awe inspiring command as a foundation when things get crazy. I was wealthy one time and took my eyes off God. He took it all away...and saved my life. Now, there is far more important things then being rich. Doing the best you can, please God and he will reward you but He is very jealous and will take it all away rather then lose His child. I think prosperity gospel is whacked. There is so much hurt and poor out saddens me as the BMW gets caught at the light and they roll the windows up before the vet can ask for a quarter.

750 Billion bailout for banks...most went out of country. Yet so many representatives voted against the bill...We have no leadership, no representation. We need to wake up, educate ourselves, and take action. One day we will turn off the T.V. find its too late...sadly most of us will just turn the T.V. back on for our E and ESPN.

Zombies Unite, give us our prescription plan and numb the pain. For there is only ONE that can heal your pain. One that can give you NEW LIFE!

Click Here to become dead and then RE-Born!